NYC: What Does Smoochie Mean On TikTok? Slang And Meaning Explained

Posted by Carisa Kissane on Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tiktok has been a platform where not even songs and challenges go viral, but words are also seen going viral.

People have been using different words in Tiktok, making others curious about their meanings.

Recently, the word Smoochie has been seen used by tiktok users. Some people know the meaning, while some people are still unknown what it means.

What Does Smoochie Mean On TikTok?

Smoochie has been a word of curiosity to many people. Some have been using it gracefully, while some are confused about its meaning.

In tiktok, Smoochie has been used to describe a person who is unloyal to their partners or lovers. 

One of the tiktok users named shout out Dj has been asking people in his Tiktok videos if they are Smoochie. He is doing this to know if they understand the word's meaning.

Some people were seen understanding the word and denying they were Smoochie, while others didn't know what Smoochie was and refrained from giving yes or no to the question.

In his video, he was seen asking this question to many people, and when he threw the question to the people, they were perplexed about answering it as they didn't know the meaning of the word.

Some people asked him what that meant, but he didn't reveal the real meaning to the people. His videos have been viral, and he has accumulated hundred of thousand of views in the videos.

Is Smoochie Used As A Slang In NYC?

Smoochie has also been used as a slang word in NYC, although it has been used commonly also.

Some people have been seen using this slang word to say other people are unloyal or hoe.

The use of Smoochie as a slang word is known by some people, while some people are not aware of it.

People are seen commenting on understanding the meaning of the word when Tiktok users make videos using the Smoochie word.

Some slang words used in Tiktok

In TikTok various slang words have been used. People are also seen using slang words in abbreviated form.

Here are some slang words that are used in Tiktok.

  • FYP: For Your Page
  • CEO: Chief Executive Officer
  • PFP: Profile picture
  • POV: Point of View
  • OOMF: One of my followers
  • Heather
  • IB: Inspired by
  • DC: Dance Credit
  • Alt Tiktok
  • Straight Tiktok
  • Shifting
  • Ratio
  • Simp
  • Shadow Banned
  • Caught in 4k
  • Sheesh

People of various age groups have used slang, but Gen Z mainly uses some slang.

Smoochie Meaning Explained

The word Smoochie has various meanings to it.

Most people are seen using it as a slang word, while some are using it casually.

Smoochie Meaning In Urban Dictionary

In Urban Dictionary, there are various meanings of the word Smoochie given.

  • Smoochie: Hoe, Treesh, or unloyal people

One of the meanings of the word Smoochie in the Urban Dictionary is Hoe, Treesh, Thot Etc. People are using Smoochie to denote those meanings.

  • Smoochie: Ah eater

Similarly, Smoochie also means an eater or foodie.

  • Smoochie: Romantic woman or girl

 Smoochie is also used to denote an excessively romantic woman or girl. 

Example: Tina is a very smoochie as she is always in long-term relationships.

  • Smoochie: A lover or best friend

Example: I love my Smoochie.

Other Smoochie Meanings

There are some other meanings of Smoochie on the Internet, and they are given below:

  • Smoochie is used to denote a nickname for a girl or woman that gives out lots of smooches.

      For example, Tyler says the smooches he gets from his Smoochie are out of the world.

  • Smoochie is used to denote an obese, insecure, and somewhat neurotic female between the ages of 15 and 40.

Some FAQs

Does people know what is Smoochie?

Some people are aware about the meaning of Smoochie while some are unaware.

Is Smoochie used as a slang word?

Yes, Smoochie is used as a slang word.
