How far can Josh Allen throw? Bills QB's record explored

Posted by Carisa Kissane on Saturday, May 18, 2024

According to Josh Allen himself, "The farthest I've ever thrown is 83." However, the Buffalo Bills superstar was probably just being modest as Bills running back Zach Moss vehemently disagrees with his shotcaller.

In a 2020 interview, Moss stated that Allen could probably throw for 100 yards:

"Plus, if he wants to zip it instead of putting air on the ball, I think he can probably throw it 100-plus."

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Well, the longest Josh Allen has thrown the ball on the gridiron is 98 yards, which he achieved in the Buffalo Bills versus Pittsburgh Steelers game on Oct. 9, 2022.

Interestingly, this throw doesn't even rank in the top ten in the NFL. Care to know why?

Who has the longest-recorded throw in NFL history?

The longest recorded throw in NFL history is 99 yards; eleven players have achieved this feat since 1939. Here's a list of the players who threw for 99 yards in an NFL game; you might notice some familiar names there.





Eli Manning



New York Giants vs. New York Jets, Dec. 24, 2011

Tom Brady



New England Patriots vs. Miami Dolphins, Sept. 12, 2011

Gus Frerotte



Minnesota Vikings vs. Chicago Bears, Nov. 30, 2008

Jeff Garcia



Cleveland Browns vs. Cincinnati Bengals, Oct. 17, 2004

Trent Green



Kansas City Chiefs vs. San Diego Chargers, Dec. 22, 2002

Stan Humphries



San Diego Chargers vs. Seattle Seahawks, Sept. 18, 1994

Ron Jaworski



Philadelphia Eagles vs. Atlanta Falcons, Nov. 10, 1985

Jim Plunkett



Los Angeles Raiders vs. Washington Redskins, Oct. 2, 1983

Karl Sweetan



Detroit Lions vs. Baltimore Colts, Oct. 16, 1966

George Izo



Washington Redskins vs. Cleveland Browns, Sept. 15, 1963

Frank Filchock



Washington Redskins vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, Oct. 15, 1939

Eli Manning and Tom Brady are the most recent players to achieve this feat, and interestingly, they did so just a few months apart. That shows how deep the competition was between Eli and The GOAT. Both players are now retired and counting down the days before they get their busts in the Canton Hall of Fame.

What to expect from Josh Allen in 2023

Josh Allen is arguably a top-five quarterback in the league and one of the finest dual-threat QBs in today's NFL. Allen is the epitome of regular-season consistency but can't seem to cross the conference finals hump with the Buffalo Bills. This has given the Wyoming University alum a reputation of being a postseason choke artist that couldn't be further from the truth.

Putting up a better performance in 2023 will go a long way in rewriting his and the Bills' legacy. Remember, this is a franchise that once made the Super Bowl four times in a row and lost all four times.

The Bills no longer have an excuse, as they are one of the most stacked teams in the league. They have an elite defense, scary offense and magnificent front office; what's stopping them from reaching the Promised Land?

We expect Josh Allen to perform slightly better than in 2022, elevating his game to MVP standards. Buffalo Bills fans will hope that he and Stefon Diggs can get it together and finally reach the Super Bowl in 2023.

It's long overdue, and the time is running out for this iteration of the NFL's biggest underachieving franchise.

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